I am now a great aunty! My lovely neice gave birth last week (30-8-06) to a baby boy who has been named William, which is a family name. He weighed in at 8lb4oz and although there were problems initially, which resulted in him being admitted to the special care baby unit, he is now doing well and will be leaving hospital with his mum, hopefully, tomorrow.
I am really pleased to see the sun out again after all the rain, though my garden really needed it as I expect did most peoples. I have been busy, with my son's help, planting, trimming, weeding and generally trying to get the garden back to some sort of order. Obelisks and arches etc have been painted a black/blue protective stain, which I am really pleased with, and new pots have been purchased and planted for my front porch, altogether it is less overwhelming now even though I still have lots to do. Watering has been time consuming but it is worth it as the plants are looking less tired.
My kittens. Mia and Alfie, have really grown, they are now 16 weeks old and are cautiously exploring the garden. On their first exploration they went mad, chasing each other through the planting; jumping over and through the low box hedge was huge fun. Mia went into other gardens via a tiny gap in the fence, she must have got lost as she seems very wary now and is staying close to the house, whereas Alfie is a little more adventurous. He is going to be a large cat; he has a very soft laid back nature and is loving whereas Mia is more independent and does not like being picked up much, except by me, which is irritating my offspring no end!!! Just now their mum, Molly, who lives next door came into the garden and saw them, she just stared at them. I was told that cats do not recognise their offspring after a few days of them being taken away, but she seems to. Ever since the kittens have been going out (four days now) she has been hanging around and this morning was on the doorstep miowing, this is really unusual. Normally she would not give us the time of day let alone let us stroke her, which she has just allowed. Mia looks like the two kittens that my neighbour kept so maybe she is confused?
Congratulations on becoming Great Aunt 'Flo-Jo'! Hope your lovely great-nephew is progressing well now.
Good to see your feline 'babies' too. They're growing up so quickly!
Hope you're doing well on the garden design front.
Congratulations on becoming Great Aunt 'Flo-Jo'! Hope your lovely great-nephew is progressing well now.
Good to see your feline 'babies' too. They're growing up so quickly!
Hope you're doing well on the garden design front.
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