
Friday, April 28, 2006

It was a good tutorial this morning with Andrew, all my questions answered and good feedback on work. What was even better was learning that what I thought was two pieces of work is actually only one, so that's pleased me, one less to do and also a few tips in perspective drawing which was useful.

Have been on the internet looking for glass companies as I'm trying to get info for my glass water walls, there's some fab stuff out there and I'm beginning to really appreciate the beautiful qualities of the product. Am feeling guilty though not being honest about being a student, but no-one will help unless they think there's something in it for them, they don't see the bigger picture that you will go to them when you are working and although I am still a business I'm not working for a client so it's not a great feeling as I hate dishonesty. Hey ho! Well back to the drawing board to finish my amendments then I can move on to other work tomorrow morning am having a break tonight and early night......
A chelsea garden I think
the light on the glass is
superb, I'd really like to
have seen it in daylight
An image sent to me by a glass
company the panels look really
efective in their setting.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

In the confusion over downloading, dowloaded wrong image, one before put last lot of shadows on. Still can't get montage to save as jpeg is anyone else having same problem?

At last second image, have had trouble saving it as a jpeg and psd would not load so saved it as bmp and it finally loaded don't know whether it's the computer or me but it is being difficult. I am tired but determined to start third image, want to get these out of the way. I am definitely going to have to play around with this program when the course finishes, it's a shame they don't teach it on the course, I think they should as it seems to be a required tool. Still have sketches to do!!!


before with the background cut out

My first ever montage in photoshop, my first anything in photoshop really, and it took me all day yesterday to learn how to do things and to put it together, hopefully the rest will be a little quicker. I am working on second one at mo, which I thought I had lost as I pressed a wrong key fortunately for me Richard was on the other end of the phone and helped me - posted as requested Rich, cheers for help.
This area of my model is alongside the reflective lily pool which partially surrounds the restaurant . Well back to work still have loads to do.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

After a number of attempts, to load brochure over the weekend I gave up, then today I re-saved as a jpeg and hey presto it loaded, it just wouldn't load as a pdf. Front page, back and inside right showing. Am trying to get model finished so I can get on with sketches and images, have wished many times since I started that my sketch one was better so I could use that. The holiday is whizzing past and I still have so much to do, started the law assignment last night whilst I was waiting for bits on the model to dry, finding it interesting, though judging from the lecture whether or not we will get it right is questionable as it seemed there is no right or wrong answer, it depends on the judge! Lets hope Ivan is in a favourable frame of mind when he judges our attempts.