
Sunday, September 17, 2006


Having read Kim's blog it brings it home to me that at this time of year lots of parents are experiencing 'new school traumas' or the emptiness of an offspring's room as they have departed for university. I fall into the latter, Nick, my youngest, left last Saturday; he is at Canterbury Christchurch Uni and although he said, before he went, he will come home most weekends I know that is not likely as he settles, makes friends and enjoys this new phase in his life. That is as it should be - but last Sunday I was a little tearful as it sunk in that he had really gone. When my eldest daughter, Jo, went to uni she commuted to London but hated her course and left it in a matter of weeks; Tess decided not to go, so my only experience of one of mine being away from home was when Jo, at 19, travelled around Thailand and Cambodia for many months. A few years later she travelled around Australia and New Zealand, from these experiences I know that I'll get used to him not being here.
He popped home yesterday, for what should have been a couple of hours but ended up as 30 minutes because he was caught up in that big jam on the M25. During this short time my cupboards were raided and he went back with a boot full of items that he needed, I doubt I'll recognise them when I see them again - if I ever see them again!
He says he is loving every minute of uni so far, including the work, not that they have done much, and has great flatmates. He's in a complex of about six flats, each with four students and they are all having a brilliant time together - two are doing the same course as him. He has a car so can get about and is enjoying looking after himself and, allegedly, is trying out recipes from a student cookbook his sister gave him.
I am really grateful that so far it is good and am no longer worrying, as I was last weekend, about whether he is going to be happy there, but it is very quiet without him.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006


I am now a great aunty! My lovely neice gave birth last week (30-8-06) to a baby boy who has been named William, which is a family name. He weighed in at 8lb4oz and although there were problems initially, which resulted in him being admitted to the special care baby unit, he is now doing well and will be leaving hospital with his mum, hopefully, tomorrow.
I am really pleased to see the sun out again after all the rain, though my garden really needed it as I expect did most peoples. I have been busy, with my son's help, planting, trimming, weeding and generally trying to get the garden back to some sort of order. Obelisks and arches etc have been painted a black/blue protective stain, which I am really pleased with, and new pots have been purchased and planted for my front porch, altogether it is less overwhelming now even though I still have lots to do. Watering has been time consuming but it is worth it as the plants are looking less tired.
My kittens. Mia and Alfie, have really grown, they are now 16 weeks old and are cautiously exploring the garden. On their first exploration they went mad, chasing each other through the planting; jumping over and through the low box hedge was huge fun. Mia went into other gardens via a tiny gap in the fence, she must have got lost as she seems very wary now and is staying close to the house, whereas Alfie is a little more adventurous. He is going to be a large cat; he has a very soft laid back nature and is loving whereas Mia is more independent and does not like being picked up much, except by me, which is irritating my offspring no end!!! Just now their mum, Molly, who lives next door came into the garden and saw them, she just stared at them. I was told that cats do not recognise their offspring after a few days of them being taken away, but she seems to. Ever since the kittens have been going out (four days now) she has been hanging around and this morning was on the doorstep miowing, this is really unusual. Normally she would not give us the time of day let alone let us stroke her, which she has just allowed. Mia looks like the two kittens that my neighbour kept so maybe she is confused?

Saturday, August 05, 2006

I enjoyed a fab day out with John yesterday we went to Haysden Country Park, it's just a few minutes drive from where he's currently living. There are two large lakes and river, the lakes, Haysden and Barden are beautiful, it was so peaceful. On Barden Lake there were a lot of different ducks, geese, seagulls etc and John knows the names of them all so it makes it more enjoyable - these country boys! We chatted to a guy fishing he'd caught a 14lb fish earlier that morning, it seems a popular spot to fish as there were several people fishing along the lake, some had been there all night (maybe longer) as they had their tents and camping stuff. This lake seemed more popular with people and there were quite a few mums and children. We enjoyed eating our picnic before walking to Haysden Lake. The photos of the river and planting were taken on the way unfortunately the beauty of the planting has not come out, it is very meadow like and colourful; my camera card ran out of space so I only managed to take a couple of pics and didn't get any of the lakes, which was a shame. I enjoyed seeing how the footbridge was constructed.
Does anyone recognise the flower John is holding, can be seen in other pic with foliage?

Thursday, July 27, 2006


Me, Cat, Dan, Irina and John

What a great graduation day we had, I enjoyed every minute of it as did the others, as you can see. Thought I would attach some pics, we had such fun taking them, or rather we had fun whilst others took them!

Several attempts were made throwing the hats up before the 'photographers' were satisfied, what a laugh!

It was excessively hot so it was a relief to hand the gowns etc back, we then got down to the serious business of drinking and found a lovely little pub by the Cutty Sark where we all congregated in the garden with our families, it was great to relax together and after a few hours we gradually drifted off in our family groups, some went home, my family and I went for a tapas in a gorgeous little air conditioned spanish restaurant.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Meet my kittens - our two new additions to the household, not yet named and only 8 weeks old. We will be naming them this weekend when my hubby and son return from ski-ing. Black and white one is a male and stripey ginger one a female, which I'm told is very unusual as ginger cats are usually male.

We've had them since Sunday and they are huge fun, charging around the house chasing toys and each other, clambering over the furniture and people, everythings so interesting to them, they are very curious investigating everything. Have had a few mishaps where they have knocked things off units and they loved sitting in the coal bucket, which I have now put away - spoilsport I know! Reminds me of having toddlers around, having to move things, close doors, time feeds etc. This morning they mastered the jump from the sofa to window cill where I took these pics.

Have been busy working, socialising, getting back into salsa dancing and visiting gardens, so far having a great time and am now enjoying a break before taking on more work and currently looking through brochures for a holiday in October. Went to Hampton Court Tuesday, saw Fern who was delighted with her and Heidi's Silver medal award for their garden, no doubt Hadlow will be pleased too. Had a good day despite the excessive heat and thoroughly enjoyed looking at the designed gardens, favourites were the homebase outdoor living with the fab kitchen and the hot springs water garden, liked a few others also will post pics next blog. Saw some beautiful grasses that I am planning to buy and bought a couple of spring flowering Clematis to go behind shrubs that are cut to a framework in March, so off now to do some planting.

Friday, June 09, 2006

Gosh I can't believe it's all over and I actually have a degree, it doesn't seem real - it just hasn't sunk in yet, perhaps it will when I get to wear the gown and hat; we are planning a fab dinner and boozy evening in London, my whole family are going - tickets permitting, so I guess that is when I will be really celebrating!!! My sister and her family are coming over for the day Sunday so we will open the champagne and enjoy some fab food, I'm really looking forward to it, it will be a good day and the weather is supposed to be hot - bonus!!!

Although I've decided not to go on to a further course this September I am off to see the work at Greenwich this afternoon as I'm applying for next year, just need to decide what to apply for Masters or diploma! I always wanted to do the masters, but I'm told this is more sought after abroad and the diploma for here, so will see what I can find out. For me the degree was always just a stepping stone to the next course which is what I have always wanted to achieve so I am quite keen to do it, but am going to put the year out to good use by getting to know photoshop better and increase my art skills. Dan and Kim I really hope you will be joining me next year....

What a fab bbq - it was a great do, so thank you to John and to the Year 2's and everyone else who helped I really enjoyed seeing everyone in such a relaxing setting I'm going to miss everyone as we have all formed such strong friendships.

Anyway Congratulations to everyone - it's been a tough year but we have all done really well and can be proud of ourselves. Hope you will all keep blogging, it will be great to keep in touch, bye for now.

Friday, April 28, 2006

It was a good tutorial this morning with Andrew, all my questions answered and good feedback on work. What was even better was learning that what I thought was two pieces of work is actually only one, so that's pleased me, one less to do and also a few tips in perspective drawing which was useful.

Have been on the internet looking for glass companies as I'm trying to get info for my glass water walls, there's some fab stuff out there and I'm beginning to really appreciate the beautiful qualities of the product. Am feeling guilty though not being honest about being a student, but no-one will help unless they think there's something in it for them, they don't see the bigger picture that you will go to them when you are working and although I am still a business I'm not working for a client so it's not a great feeling as I hate dishonesty. Hey ho! Well back to the drawing board to finish my amendments then I can move on to other work tomorrow morning am having a break tonight and early night......
A chelsea garden I think
the light on the glass is
superb, I'd really like to
have seen it in daylight
An image sent to me by a glass
company the panels look really
efective in their setting.